400G FITEL C/L Band 16QAM Standard/Micro ITLA Optical Laser Module FMLC1V23FS6B FTLC1V26FS6B
Micro Integrable Tunable Laser Assembly (Micro ITLA) downsized by onethird (37.5×20.0 mm2) of the standard ITLA is developed.
The Micro ITLA has the feature of improving a higher output power and a narrower spectrum linewidth while maintaining the function of the specification of the standard ITLA1), and developing a compacted
package module and a control circuit technology implemented with respect to the standard specification of the Micro ITLA2).
Furthermore, the spectrum linewidth of less than 300 kHz and the gridless wavelength output capacity (a minimum setting resolution: 0.1 GHz) were satisfied with a system requirement of more than 400 Gb/s.