Lumentum 50G Narrow Linewidth OIF Micro ITLA C Band 96CH 5-14dBm 22023180
Lumentum narrow-linewidth tunable lasers are a key component of today's agile transmission
modules support the rapid deployment of next‐ generation IP-based voice, data, and video services.
The assemblies meet the needs of advanced modules that require fast wavelength tuning over C‐band
in an MSA form factor with reduced power consumption. The architecture and command set is based on
the familiar OIF micro‐ITLA IA standard.
The key elements of the 6205‐u micro‐ITLA are the sampled grating distributed Bragg reflector
(SG‐DBR) laser, monolithically integrated with a semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA) and a micro
wavelength locker, all enclosed in a high‐reliability, hermetically‐sealed TOSA package.
The integrated SOA acts as a shutter during wavelength switching and as an optional variable
optical attenuator (VOA) for transmitter power control.
The RS232 communication interface is based on the OIF MSA standard and provides for comprehensive
control and reporting functionality. This NLW μITLA has a polarization‐maintaining fiber pigtail and is
shipped with an SC connector to facilitate customer incoming tests.
Narrow linewidth (<500 kHz)
50 GHz channel spacing
Standard and extended C‐band
>37 nm operating range
Fast (<< 1 s) channel switching frequency fine tuning
VOA function
Polarization‐maintaining fiber pigtail
Hermetically‐sealed tunable TOSA package with integrated wavelength locker
Self‐contained microprocessor control and monitor electronics
Simple RS232 communication
Low power consumption
Coherent transmission and local oscillator sources
DWDM sparing
Dynamic wavelength provisioning
Dynamic add/drop multiplexers