100G速率 DP-QPSK PM-QPSK 8V 铌酸锂调制驱动放大器 OA3MHQM/4
The OA3MHQM is a small, four channel, high-performance broadband 28 Gb/s Lithium Niobate
optical modulator driver with low jitter, 8 V amplitude and excellent gain and group delay flatness.
It is designed for 100G Optical Transport Network applications and is fully compatible with the
Optical Internetworking Forum’s Implementation Agreement for Integrated Polarization
Multiplexed Quadrature Modulated Transmitters (100G DP-QPSK).
It is ideally suited for integration into small form-factor (SFF) transponders.
The OA3MHQM is offered in a small modularized package with excellent performance, intended for
transponder integration. It can be used for differential modulators or with other complex modulation schemes.
It has low power dissipation, ample drive level, low added jitter, fast rise/fall times, and is easy to use with
simple bias voltages.